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Modern and motivating financial instruments tailored to your needs.

Your food vouchers

Manage your UpDejeuner food vouchers easily and conveniently.

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Мобилното приложение Up Tombou и платформата UpOnline са предназначени да предоставят изключително преживяване за работодатели, служители и търговските ни партньори, надхвърлящо очакванията им за ефективност и удобство.


With us, managing your employee benefits is easy, as you always have a personal account manager and our Customer Service department at your disposal.


We prioritize and guarantee the security of your data by complying with relevant regulations, ensuring the protection of sensitive financial and personal information.


We are constantly developing and improving our services to always meet the latest market trends and the needs of our customers, their employees, and our business partners.


Years of experience


Trading partners

in our network


Employees who use our products


Employers who us
they trust

Our products

UpDejeuner meal voucher card front and back

UpDejeuner e-voucher for food UpDejeuner

Електронният ваучер за храна UpDejeuner предлага удобство и гъвкавост на служителите, като им осигурява бърз и сигурен достъп до средства за хранене. Той е лесен за използване на различни търговски обекти и е напълно съвместим с мобилното приложение Up Tombou, което прави управлението на средствата още по-удобно.

Platform for employers: UpOnline

UpOnline – our platform for easy card and cardholder management.

A laptop with opened UpOnline platform for employees and employers.
The Up Tombou mobile app opened on a smartphone and an Google Pay and Apple Gay on a smartwatch.

The mobile application

Up Tombou

We at Up Tombou believe that managing digital food vouchers should be easy, convenient and accessible at all times for you. That’s why we created the Up Tombou mobile application – an intuitive mobile application that will help you manage your funds and make the most of them.


Map with objects

Looking for a store or restaurant to use yours UpDejeuner or UpCadhoc vouchers? With our handy site map you can find all our partners throughout Bulgaria! Simply select your city and type of card or voucher to see available sites.

To map with objects
Карта с търговските партньори на Up Tombou

Over 13 000 the commercial outlet, part of the partner commercial network of Up Tombou.

Ours customers for us

The company Tombow Bulgaria was selected as our food voucher supplier in 2018, after a study was conducted, including the services offered, the way of communication and feedback from our partners.

In the framework of our business-business cooperation, Tombow is a fair and reliable partner that we value. In our communication with the company, we trust the competence and professionalism of its employees.

B. Brown Medical Ltd

Ates EOOD has been working with Tombow Bulgaria to provide food vouchers for employees since the beginning of 2015. During this period, Tombow has proven himself as a fair and highly professional partner who manages to give the maximum to his client and win his long-term loyalty. With this reference, we recommend Tombow as a precise and serious partner that justifies the trust of its customers.

Ates Ltd

With this reference, we recommend the services of Tombow Bulgaria, in its capacity as a supplier of food vouchers. In the person of Tombow, we have a correct partner, distinguished by good knowledge of the market, high competence, dynamism in work and perfect analysis of the client's needs. The wide network of food and grocery outlets makes it extremely easy for our employees to use the vouchers.

Biovet AD


Offers and promotions

with Up Tombou

Visti our offers and promotions page, to find the most advantageous offers for using your vouchers and cards. Here we regularly publish special campaigns and discounts from our partners.

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